CBD, Fentanyl, and Other Medications
CBD, Fentanyl, and Other Medications
A Warning About Drug Interactions and Sharing Medications
Hudson Regional Long Term Care Pharmacy is issuing an advisory message about drug interactions with common over-the-counter medications and sharing medications.
Many group residents are on medications that may have severe and life-threatening consequences when mixed with regular everyday over-the-counter medications that normal healthy people take every day. For example, aspirin mixed with blood thinners is risky business and can cause life-threatening consequences.
WARNING: Please remind parents and friends of group home residents to check with residents’ doctors and staff before administering ANY medications for common ailments such as headaches, even for over-the-counter medication such as Aspirin.
Even more common is people talking about and sharing their CBD, Cannabis and Marijuana with group home residents. Why? CBD and Marijuana may help with seizures, along with aches and pain.
WARNING: CBD, Cannabis, and Marijuana can also cause severe drug interactions with some common epilepsy medications and other medications.
Medication can be extremely helpful for a mildly healthy person but can spell disaster in a person with compromised health.
Please consult your resident’s doctor before exposing your loved one to any medications other than the drugs prescribed. We all want to see our loved ones healthy and unintentional helpfulness can spell disaster.