5 Things to Look for in a Long-Term Care Pharmacy Partner
5 Things to Look for in a Long-Term Care Pharmacy Partner
Switching LTC pharmacies can seem daunting. If your facility is at a place to make the move from one pharmacy provider to another, things are probably not going the way they should be. We understand that good care is hard to measure until you don’t have it. Here are 5 important things to look for in a long-term care pharmacy provider.
- Consistent and reliable delivery times. Your staff should never have to worry about when or if prescriptions are going to be delivered. At Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy, our medications will always be there by 9 PM so residents are not disrupted once they are settled and ready for bed. We have a 99 percent success rate for on-time deliveries, so you can count on us.
- Nurses’ jobs are made easier. We know that nurses go above and beyond each day in the care of their patients. They should have to be faced with pharmacy or prescription issues. Your LTC pharmacy partner should simplify nurses’ jobs with reliable delivery and easy-to-administer medication. At Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy, we are going to always provide your staff with medical administrative records, whether it’s paper or electronic, whatever your team needs. We want your nurses and staff to do what they do best–care for patients.
- Ongoing education and training are provided. Starting with any new LTC pharmacy will require some training to understand the new systems. You want to make sure your LTC pharmacy provider will offer education and training for current staff, new hires, and to go over any changes or updates that are made with the software systems. Our staff supplies all of our new and current facility partners with ample amounts of training on our web portal to fit the needs of your staff.
- LTC pharmacy staff will go above and beyond. Providing prescriptions to LTC facility residents is the purpose of every LTC pharmacy, but what differentiates one pharmacy to the next is the people and the care they provide. Our staff will always greet you with a friendly and helpful If you have an issue or problem, our staff is here to find a solution. If a resident needs medication and it seems like there is no way they can get it, we will be here to find that way. Even though we are not physically in your facility, we are an extension of it, and are here for the needs of your staff, nursing administration, and residents.
- Emergency deliveries and needs will be met. Before partnering up with a LTC pharmacy, make sure they are equipped to handle emergency situations if residents need medications. At Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy, we plan ahead. If we know severe weather is coming, we get your residents all of their medications in the event that roads are shut down temporarily. We don’t wait until the last minute; our staff works with the LTC facilities staff to properly plan for each resident.